Dog Detail for Dog ID 212811
Sex: Female
Call Name: MOCHA
DNA Reg #:
Registrations: WS76422701 (AKC)
Whelp Date: Mar 16, 2022
Last Known Alive:
Litter ID: 63036
Stud Book:  
Coat Color: Normal 
Eye Color: Light Brown
Bite: Level
Weight: 80
Tail: Normal 
Data Source: BG Dog Submission
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 5/4/2023 5:40:00 PM
Cert/Test ByTestedCert # / Report #FindingsTest Date
PennHIPHipsDI: RIGHT DI = 0.48, LEFT DI = 0.45. May 09, 2023
GENSOLvWD genetic457419Clear/NormalNov 20, 2023
GENSOLDM genetic - SOD1-B, exon 1457419Clear/NormalNov 20, 2023
GENSOLDM genetic - SOD1-B, exon 1457419Clear/NormalNov 20, 2023

  This Dog   AOD     Hips     Elbows     Eyes     Heart     vWD     DM  
MOCHA-CHINO        DI: RIGHT DI = 0.48, LEFT DI = 0.45.       Clear/Normal A:  B:Clear
The following information for close relatives was found in the database:
  Sire Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Eyes     Heart     vWD     DM  
MURPHY PAYTON Jul 5, 2020            
  Dam Name   Whelp Date     AOD     Hips     Elbows     Eyes     Heart     vWD     DM  
ZIA UNICORN CLARK Jan 18, 2020            

Full Siblings

No full siblings found in the database for this dog

Half Siblings by Sire

No half siblings by sire found in the database for this dog

Half Siblings by Dam

No half siblings by dam found in the database for this dog

WS69119509 | 2020 -      | BG#212809
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
WS67348006 | 2020 -      | BG#212810
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Not In Database
Click here to view PDF pedigrees

Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
Calculated COI: Four complete generations required
Total Dogs in pedigree:  3 Oldest Generation:  0
Unique Dogs in pedigree:  3 Complete Generations:  0
Note that the four complete generations must include whelp dates and complete parentage.
Click here for more info on COI and how Berner-Garde has implemented it.