Dog Detail for Dog ID 165098
Dog Name: TOSCA
Sex: Female
Call Name:
DNA Reg #:
Registrations: NHSB 1544270 (NHSB)
Whelp Date:
Last Known Alive:
Litter ID:
Stud Book:  
Coat Color:  
Eye Color:  
Data Source: Dutch Dog Data
Rescue Type:
Last Updated: 1/5/2020 6:04:00 AM
No certifications in the database for this dog.

Litters Whelped
The following litters whelped by this bitch were found in the database:
Litter ID: 55334 Whelp Date: Jan 13, 1993Sire: PAN V MUTZBACHFALL
Dog Name Sex AOD Hips Elbows Eyes Heart vWD DM
DAPHNE V.D. PANICHA               
DOLLY V.D. PANICHA               

Litter ID: 47496 Whelp Date: Jan 20, 1992Sire: GASTON V WAGVENE
Dog Name Sex AOD Hips Elbows Eyes Heart vWD DM
CANDY V.D. PANICHA               
CAZAN V.D. PANICHA               
CISKA V.D. PANICHA               
CITA V.D. PANICHA               

Litter ID: 50635 Whelp Date: Jul 15, 1991Sire: GASTON V WAGVENE
Dog Name Sex AOD Hips Elbows Eyes Heart vWD DM
BELINDA V.D. PANICHA               

Litter ID: 47094 Whelp Date: Jul 20, 1989Sire: JONAS V.'T. KNOAL
Dog Name Sex AOD Hips Elbows Eyes Heart vWD DM
TOSCA V.D. PANICHA               

Pedigrees not available when parentage is not known.
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Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI)
Calculated COI: COI not yet calculated
Total Dogs in pedigree:  Oldest Generation: 
Unique Dogs in pedigree:  Complete Generations: 
Note that the four complete generations must include whelp dates and complete parentage.
Click here for more info on COI and how Berner-Garde has implemented it.
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