Personal User Account and Settings

To personalize and enhance your experience using the Berner-Garde database, the system must have a way of knowing it is you using the system. To make this happen, Berner-Garde is offering you a Personal User login account. These are free and will provide you with some additional database functionality.

Personal User Login Account

A personal user account provides you with a user id and password to securely login to the database. After you login and the system knows it is you, you will have a number of features that general users of the database do not have. These include:

  • A new button to let you quickly access your dogs and litters.
  • All submission forms pre-populated with your submitter info.
  • All of your personal contact information will be visible to you on your People detail page.
  • A new Documents tab on your dog and litter records that allows you to see a cumulative list of all documents uploaded for that dog or litter. This includes certifications, titles, pathology reports, and pedigrees.
  • You will be able to directly upload additional documents for litters you have bred and dogs you own or have bred.

There are also several additional enhancements planned for those with a personal user account including saving favorites and personal notes.

To signup for a personal user account, click here.

Note that current Berner-Garde operators that already have a user id and password do not need to request an additional account. Your current credentials will provide you with all the benefits of a personal account.
My Personalization Settings

Once you have a Berner-Garde login account, you can save the following settings that will be in effect every time you login.

My Default Search:
Search Rows Returned:  The number of rows returned per page of search results.
Initial Dog Tab Displayed:  What tab on the dog record is initially displayed.

What happened to saving settings in a cookie?

That option is being retired due to being less secure and reliable. If you have personal settings saved in a cookie on your computer(s), they will continue to work for some period of time. We are really encouraginging you to request a personal user account that will provide all the options that the cookie provided and much more.

My Current Logon Specifics

You are currently not logged on

Your authorization Level is Basic